
Sign in with LiveChat


The Sign in with LiveChat flow is the easiest way to get access to basic information in LiveChat and HelpDesk accounts. It allows you to quickly build an app that can access that info.

User flow

Users start the flow by clicking the Sign in with LiveChat button:

Log in to LiveChat view

If a user is not signed in to LiveChat, they'll be asked to do that:

Log in to LiveChat view

Then, the user must give the app access to the specified parts of their LiveChat account:

Grant access to LiveChat app

Finally, the app receives an access_token that allows it to perform different API calls, limited to what the user agreed to in the prompt.

For example, you can display the LiveChat tracking code which already includes the user's account license number:

<!-- Start of LiveChat ( code -->
    window.__lc = window.__lc || {};
    window.__lc.license = 11069052;
    ;(function(n,t,c){function i(n){return e._h?e._h.apply(null,n):e._q.push(n)}var e={_q:[],_h:null,_v:"2.0",on:function(){i(["on",])},once:function(){i(["once",])},off:function(){i(["off",])},get:function(){if(!e._h)throw new Error("[LiveChatWidget] You can't use getters before load.");return i(["get",])},call:function(){i(["call",])},init:function(){var n=t.createElement("script");n.async=!0,n.type="text/javascript",n.src="",t.head.appendChild(n)}};!n.__lc.asyncInit&&e.init(),n.LiveChatWidget=n.LiveChatWidget||e}(window,document,[].slice))
<noscript><a href="" rel="nofollow">Chat with us</a>, powered by <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">LiveChat</a></noscript>
<!-- End of LiveChat code -->

Use cases

With the Sign in with LiveChat flow, you can easily build an app that:

  • Gets access to the LiveChat user's email, account ID, or organization ID.
  • Receives an access_token that can be used to perform LiveChat or HelpDesk API calls.
  • Receives a code using the PKCE extension, which could be then used to obtain the account's refresh_token and access_token.

Make sure you test your integration on the LiveChat mobile app, which requires Accounts SDK v2.0.1 or higher. Consider migrating if you use an older version of the SDK.


Step 1: Create a new app

Create a new LiveChat OAuth 2.1 Client app in Developer Console. You will receive a new client_id that can be used in the next steps.

Please note that Redirect URI field must match the URL of the website that has the Sign in with LiveChat button installed. The button will not work with any other URL addresses.

Step 2: Include the SDK library

You can install the SDK from NPM.

NPM module

NPM module installation
npm install --save @livechat/accounts-sdk@^2.0.0
NPM module import
import AccountsSDK from '@livechat/accounts-sdk';

If you build an app using Webpack, you can just import the AccountsSDK module from NPM.

Step 3: Prepare button container

Prepare the login button, which will invoke the authorization flow when a user clicks it.

<div id="login-button" style="background: url(.../livechat_sign_in.png)"></div>
Prepare the button container
// javascript
const instance = new AccountsSDK({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>',
  redirect_uri: '<your_app_redirect_uri>'

document.getElementById('login-button').onclick = (e) => {
  if (e && e.preventDefault) {

    const transaction = instance.verify(authorizeData);
    if (transaction != null) {
      // authorization success
      // authorizeData contains `accessToken` or `code`
      // transaction contains state and optional code_verifier (code + PKCE)
      console.log("User access token: " + transaction.accessToken)
      document.getElementById('login-button').style.display = "none"
    } else {
      console.log("Redirect state doesn't match the previous one")
    console.error("Failed to authorize user", e)

During the creation of the Sign in LiveChat button, you can use LiveChat Designs.

Don't forget to test the give consent step. Use prompt: "consent" to force the app to ask you for access to certain resources. It’s necessary for you to test the app as if you were a user who installs the app from Marketplace.

Accounts SDK



The main instance of the SDK used to authorize users in LiveChat Accounts.

Example class creation
const instance = new AccountsSDK({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'

The constructor accepts an options object with the following properties:

PropertyRequiredData typeDescription
client_idyesstringApplication Client Id (can be found in Developer Console)
promptnostringUse consent to force the consent prompt in a popup and the redirect flows. (See the warning.). Default: ''
response_typenostringOAuth response type. Possible values: token or code. Default: token
popup_flownostringauto – close the popup automatically if the user is already logged in; manual - always show the popup that requires the user to provide their credentials; default: auto
statenostringOAuth state parameter. Use it for better security.
verify_statenoboolCheck if state matches after the redirect; default: true
scopenostringThe scopes your application will request from the user; if not provided, then all application scopes will be requested. It must be configured for a given client id, a comma-separated string, default: null
redirect_uriyesstringOAuth redirect URI; default: the current location
email_hintnoboolFill in email in forms
server_urlnostringAuthorization server URL
trackingnoobjectObject with tracking query string params
transaction1noobjectAn object with options for the transaction manager
pkce2noobjectAn object with the PKCE configuration

1) The transaction object consists of the following parameters:

PropertyRequiredData typeDescription
namespacenostringTransaction key prefix; default: 'com.livechat.accounts'
key_lengthnostringTransaction random state length; default: 32
force_local_storagenoboolTry to use localStorage instead of cookies; default: false

πŸ’‘ You need to use the PKCE extension if your JavaScript application will try to acquire the authorization code in order to exchange it for tokens.

2) In the pkce object, define the following configuration properties:

PropertyRequiredData typeDescription
enabledyesboolEnable OAuth 2.1 PKCE extension; default: true
code_verifiernostringOverride the auto-generated code verifier.
code_verifier_lengthnointegerDefine the length of the code verifier. It should be between 43 and 128 characters; default: 128. Read more...
code_challange_methodnostringDefine the code challenge method. Possible values: S256 or plain; default: S256

Available class methods:


Returns a Popup object instance built on top of sdk.

ParameterData typeDescription
optionsobjectAn object with the same parameters as provided in AccountsSDK
  const popup = instance.popup({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'


Returns a Redirect object instance built on top of sdk.

ParameterData typeDescription
optionsobjectAn object with the same parameters as provided in AccountsSDK
  const redirect = instance.redirect({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'


Creates an authorization URL for the given flow and parameters.

ParameterData typeDescription
optionsobjectAn object with the same parameters as provided in AccountsSDK
flowstringcode or token. code can only be used with the PKCE flow
  const authURL = instance.authorizeURL({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'
}, "token");


Verifies if the state parameter from the redirect matched the one provided upon initialization, If it does, the method returns Transaction, which is used under the hood for state verification. Otherwise, it returns null.

In all methods of the AccountsSDK object, the options objects is used to overwrite the data provided upon initialization.

ParameterData typeDescription
authorizeDataobjectData returned from the redirect
  const transactionData = instance.verify(authorizeData);
  if (transactionData) {
    console.log("Verified correctly");
  } else {
    console.log("Url/state mismatch");


A class responsible for acquiring the user authorization data through a popup window.

ParameterData typeDescription
optionsobjectAn object with the same parameters as provided in AccountsSDK
sdkobjectAn sdk instance
constructor(sdk, options)
const instance = new AccountsSDK({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'

const popup = new Popup(instance, instance.options);

A popup object instance could be also created via sdk with:

const popup = instance.popup();

Available class methods:


Returns a promise that resolves with the user authorization data or an error.

  popup.authorize().then((authorizeData) => {
    console.log("authorize data acquired: " + authorizeData);
  }).catch(e => {
    console.error("Failed to acquire authorization data: " + e);

Sample app with the popup flow

The Sample app with the popup flow has a fully implemented authorization flow. You can test it, experiment with it, or modify its code and extend its functionality.


A class responsible for acquiring the user authorization data through the redirect method.

ParameterData typeDescription
optionsobjectAn object with the same parameters as provided in AccountsSDK
sdkobjectAn sdk instance
constructor(sdk, options)
const instance = new AccountsSDK({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'

const redirect = new Redirect(instance, instance.options);

A redirect object instance could be also created via sdk with:

const redirect = instance.redirect();

Available class methods:


Starts the redirect authorization flow.



Checks if a user was redirected to the current origin with the authorization data. It returns a promise that resolves with the user authorization data or with an error.

  redirect.authorizeData().then((authorizeData) => {
    console.log("Authorization data acquired: " + authorizeData);
  }).catch(e => {
    console.error("Failed to acquire authorization data: " + e);
    redirect.authorize(); // Try to redirect user to authorization once more

Sample app with the redirect flow

The Sample app with the redirect flow has a fully implemented authorization flow. You can test it, experiment with it, or modify its code and extend its functionality.

Exchanging code for tokens with the PKCE extension

In order to acquire both access_token and refresh_token by a frontend application, you should use the PKCE Extension, which prevents the usage of a hijacked redirect by malicious apps.

  1. Start by enabling PKCE. To do so, provide AccountsSDK instance with PKCE options.
Enable PKCE
  const instance = new AccountsSDK({
    client_id: '<your_app_client_id>',
    redirect_uri: '<your_app_redirect_uri>',
    response_type: "code",
    pkce: {
      enabled: true
  1. Then, using the redirect flow, you're able to receive the code authorization data:
Receive authorization code data
  instance.redirect().authorizeData().then((authorizeData) => {
    const transactionData = instance.verify(authorizeData);
    if (transactionData === null) {
      console.log("Failed to verify authorization data");
    fetch(instance.options.server_url + "/v2/token", {
        headers: {
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify({
          grant_type: "authorization_code",
          code: authorizeData.code,
          client_id: transactionData.client_id,
          redirect_uri: transactionData.redirect_uri,
          code_verifier: transactionData.code_verifier,
    .then((res) => { res.json()}).then((data) => {console.log("User tokens: " + data)})
    .catch((e) => { console.log("Failed to exchange code: " + e) })
  }).catch(e => {
    // As we don't have any authorization data, then we can try o authorize user
    const wasRedirected = sessionStorage.getItem('lc_accounts');
    if (wasRedirected === "yes") {
      console.error("Couldn't authorize user: " + e);
    sessionStorage.setItem('lc_accounts', yes);
    instance.redirect().authorize(); // Initiate authorization redirect flow


Response format

All authorize methods return the user authorization data when resolving with success, or return an error when something goes wrong.


For successful user authorization processes, the returned data will consists of the following elements:

access_tokenonly for response_type: tokenUsed for authorizing LiveChat API calls.
codeonly for response_type: codeMust be exchanged for access_token and refresh_token
scopefor both response typesAn array of scopes that access_token has.
expires_infor both response typesDefines for how long access_token will be valid.
account_idonly for response_type: codeLiveChat Accounts user ID (can be found in Developer Console)
organization_idonly for response_type: codeLiveChat Accounts organization ID to which the account is logged in.
client_idonly for response_type: codeclient_id that you passed in the init method.

πŸ’‘ You can validate an access token by calling /v2/info. Read more...


If the authorization process fails, the promise will be rejected with an error. The error will have the following properties:

    "oauth_exception": "<exception_name>"
    "identity_exception": "<exception_name>"
    "description": "<exception_description>"
Authentication errors

Possible values:

  • unauthorized – The resource owner identity is unknown or the consent is missing.
Authorization errors

Possible values:

  • invalid_request – The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Examples: wrong HTTP method, invalid HTTP body encoding.
  • unauthorized_client – The client is not authorized to request a token using this method. Examples: missing client_id param, incorrect client_id value, refresh_token not found, invalid client_secret, invalid redirect_uri.
  • access_denied – The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. For example, the requested scope includes a scope not originally granted by the resource owner.
  • unsupported_response_type – The authorization server doesn't support acquiring a token using this method. For example, response_type is not token or code.
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